NWA 978

Stone, Chondrite Rumurutiite, (R3.8).

This meteorite was found in 2001 and was only 722 grams. Since then, several more stones were found and now the total weight is several kilograms. It looks old, but it is only weathering level 2, quite low. I can't stress enough just how rare this meteorite is. There are only a few museums in the world with an R Chondrite.

NWA 978 1: 25.25 gram endcut. $750.00

  NWA 978 2: 21.63 gram slice. $648.00

NWA 978 3: 12.70 gram slice. $381.00


                 NWA 978 4: 73.94 gram 1/2 individual. $1800.00

NWA 978 5: 3.685 gram endcut.  $110.00


NWA 978 6: 5.464 gram slice. $164.00