
Stony-Iron (MES) mesosiderite. The Estherville meteorite fell on May 10, 1879 in Emmet County, Iowa.  A large shower of stones fell, numbering in the thousands. Over 300 kilograms were recovered. This mesosiderite is beautiful, nice matrix of olivine-rich silicates and metal throughout. This is a very historic American fall that no collection is complete without.

These pieces are all perfect little metal nuggets, very highly sought after by collectors and quite hard to get. I acquired all of these specimens in an exchange with the Natural History Museum in London England. They are all from collection #65575. These are the top 1% of the top 1% in beauty, shape, and quality. I chose them out of the entire batch, so they don't get better. They are nit cheap, but high quality never is.

Estherville 1: 21.35 gram individual from the Natural History Museum, London specimen,# 65575. $1494.00

Estherville 2: 13.77 gram individual from the Natural History Museum, London specimen,# 65575. $964.00

Estherville 3: 6.517 gram individual from the Natural History Museum, London specimen,# 65575. $488.00


Estherville 4: 6.00 gram individual from the Natural History Museum, London specimen,# 65575. $450.00

Estherville 5: 5.33 gram individual from the Natural History Museum, London specimen,# 65575. $400.00

Estherville 6: 5.75 gram individual from the Natural History Museum, London specimen,# 65575. $431.00